2014년 1월 17일 금요일

How to install Apache Server, MySQL, and PHP using XAMPP for Windows 7.

Xampp for Windows 7 provides an easy to install all of the Apache Server, MySQL, PHP, and Perl.

Once Xampp for Windows is installed, It is possible to treat a localhost  like a remote host and support for a content management system (CMS) like Joomla or Wordpress.

Step 1. download Xampp installer from http://www.apachefriends.org/en/xampp-windows.html

Step 2. Once the download is complete, click the xampp installer program in your download folder. Then the below window will be appeared.

Step 3.  When you click the next button, the below window is appeared.

You must check the mysql and phpmyadmin and , the other is optional.

And if the next button is press, the installation is completed.

And You can find out the Xampp control Panel by pressing the start button and all program button of Windows 7.

Step 4. Start the XAMPP Control Panel, then the below window will be appeared.

And press the start button in the red box to start the Apache Server and MySQL DB.
Once the Windows is booted, you run the XAMPP Control Panel and start the  Apache and MySQL like that.

Step 5. Type the http://localhost or in your web browser.

And  If 'It works!' in your web browser will be appeared, the Apache server is running well.

'It works!' in your web browser is  appeared by running C:\xampp\htdocs\index.html.

XAMPP program is installed in C:\xampp directory.

The web page, index.html, must be located in C:\xampp\htdocs.

Thus Joomla, Drupal, or Wordpress directory need to be installed in C:\xampp\htdocs like the below picture.

설정 사항을 알고 싶은면 '시작'-'모든 프로그램'-'보조 프로그램'-'메모장'을 선택하여 아래와 같이 입력한다.

Using notepad of Window, type  <?php phpinfo(); ?> like below, and save it with info.php as file name. 

And If you type http://localhost/info.php in your web browser, the below is appeared. 

And you can find that the  HTTP_HOST is localhost in the same web page, like the below picture.

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